About the Different Mom Blog
My name is Jocelyn–A full-time Financial Manager, a small business owner, a blogger, a mommy, and a child of the Most High God. I decided to share my life and my ideas with the world, so I came up with this blog to help and inspire other mothers.
The Different Mom Blog is a blog about our life, our happenings, life-hacks, thoughts, crafts, and the prospective of a single mother–a different type of single mother. My hope is this blog will inspire every type of mother out there. Give you ideas to make your life easier. You’ll find recipes, ways to be make extra cash, kid activities and much more.
**I do share affiliate marketing ideas and strategies with you, so some of my material will contain affiliate links for products and/or services I use and love. If you purchase or make a subscription from one of these links, I will earn a commission**
My Story

I’m a small town girl living life in the suburbs–a college town. The town I grew up in was a very rural all white town; in fact I was the only black girl in my graduating class. You could only imagine… I graduated high school, and moved to Norman, OK to receive my degree. While still in college I gave birth to a wonderful son. Who knows, many in my situation at the time may have called it quits, that was never an option for me. He motivated me in more ways than he knows. It was a struggle though. I was young, a broke college student, and single. I made so many mistakes, it’s truly by the grace of God that he is the young man he is today. An outstanding honor roll student, gifted athlete, and a great big brother. He makes being a parent easy. I can only attempt to share what I’ve learned in my many years of being a mommy. Keep checking my post under “Mom Stuff” and you’ll see my life hacks and ideas of how to pour greatness into our children. I received a dual-degree in Business Management and African African-American Studies all while raising a young man as a single mother–A DIFFERENT TYPE OF MOM.
I was a college educated, black, full-time employed, home owning single mother. I quickly realized, I could relate to several women, but did I truly fit in? I grew up in church, learning and applying the Word to my life (not without many many mistakes and slip ups), and to this day, I’m still very active in church and include family devotions and personal devotions in my every day life. As a family we love to read the Advent Devotions on our phones using the Bible App…It’s one of our favorites. There are so many devotions for families, children, mothers, fathers, it is truly an app I recommend. Over the years, my life has changed, my prospective has changed, but it seems my DIFFERENCES have not. I am still employed full time, and I absolutely love my job and the people I work with.
I am also a business owner. I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant–visit my Scentsy website here–Https://jocelyncook.scentsy.us
Follow me on Pinterest too for Scentsy products and ideas. If you’re interested in earning an extra income, or would like to join Scentsy, check out my post under “Earn Some Money.” You can also join Scentsy here

When I bought my house 12 years ago, I honestly wasn’t aware how rare it was for someone in my “demographic” to do so. I have truly enjoyed my ride as a DIFFERENT MOM, but often find myself questioning, and over-thinking a lot of aspects of my life. But I am also aware that many see my DIFFERENCE as a threat, or oddly enough, a weakness to take advantage of, and there are some who admire my DIFFERENCE. It’s hard sometimes to know where do I fit in. The DIFFERENT struggles, the different victories of other moms—single moms may have. Hopefully, my tips and this blog can help you, or this is just something you can relate to.
But Wait There’s More…The Good Stuff
I’m a HUGE sports fans. I love my Sooners, Cubs, and Lakers. I watch just about every sport on T.V. I will debate, discuss, or watch sports with anyone. It is many times an escape for me. If you want to discuss sports, I’m your girl. In my spare time, I watch sports, I play sports with my children. We have game nights. We just enjoy each others company. We laugh, discuss, pray, and study together. It is the best way to spend my time. I take my charge as a mother seriously. That doesn’t mean, there are days that I don’t struggle and you’ll see many of those days, but overall, all my good days outweigh my bad days, and I won’t complain 🙂

Supporting my daughter in her “vlogging” adventure is so fun. To watch her commit to a vision and work on it, is so rewarding as mother. Check out her YouTube channel where she shares scriptures for young people her age. She shares her ideas on products as well. She will give you craft ideas for children…her favorite is SLIME! Subscribe to her channel, and I know you’ll fall in love.

My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. Although there are days, moments, months, I don’t act like it. I fall down more times than I want. But that’s the great thing about my God. He meets me right where I am and picks me back up, and sets me on the path to His glory. Family devotion time is something we do together. Check out my ideas on family devotions.
My dream is to someday (hopefully soon), build a metal building farmhouse on a few acres and enjoy my family like I do now, all while helping anyone that my path may cross. FAITH FAMILY FRIENDS
Contact me: thedifferentmomblog@gmail.com