This is a total transparency post. So here it goes. As a single mom, there used to be times that I felt as if I didn’t measure up. Heck, there are still some vulnerable times where I feel like I’m not measuring up. So this is why I created another daily planner called the “measuring cup.”
No, it’s not to measure me against anyone, other than the past me. It’s for me to appreciate myself, my blessings, and the work assigned to my hands as a mother.
I’ve mentioned before that I take my charge as a mother seriously…single mother or not. I’m raising human beings that society will need or actually does need and it’s my duty to direct them right. Because of this charge, I need to be on top of my game.
But, honestly…
I struggle(d) with my measuring cup
In the past, I used to compare myself to almost everyone.
Friends with bigger homes, or friends with no children. Married friends. Yep, I did. I always thought I wasn’t quite the fit, or that I didn’t measure up.
I felt there must be something wrong with me if I can’t find a steady relationship/husband.
There was something wrong with me if I hadn’t saved up enough money to sell my current house and move to a bigger home. Or why am I staying in the same job, or same town?
And then it hit me, it’s not about them, or even me. I’m in the season(s) God has placed me at the moment.
He knows my dreams/plans/desires. And I realized, my ultimate dream is to hear “well done, they good and faithful servant.” That’s when I truly realized I’m doing just fine.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t have goals of big plans or a dream house, or dream career, or dream charity work. Because I most certainly do.
I’m measuring up. I might not have reached certain goals in the time frame I thought, or heck the time frame others had for me. But that’s not what it’s about.
It’s in due season, and I’m moving forward. Realizing, I’m always enough when I’m in Jesus.
I have big dreams, and I write them down. I’ve already achieved some of my goals and dreams, but I’m not finished or tired yet.
Even though it’s a battle sometimes, I know I’m measuring up and my measuring cup runneth over.

What is the Measuring Cup
It’s simply a little printout/journal that helps me keep track of what’s important–my children, my self-care, and my relationship with God.
Not only that, it allows me to write down my dreams. Because of this, I’m able to write down my visions and work to achieve them.
You can download yours here.
How to use the Measuring Cup
Every day, write down three things you did or plan on doing with your day, and it can include your children. If you journal at night, it will be past tense. If you write first thing in the morning, you will write down your future plans for the day.
Because you are planning things with your children, your day will run smoother, and you will get more accomplished.
It can be something as big as “going on vacation” or even something small like “dancing” or “playing board games.”
Just find time for your children. They want your time, mama, not just your money, or your discipline.
When you’re writing try to think of something different each day. Unless there’s a tradition you all do.
But remember this is you and your family. If you are not a mother, this can just be a section for you.
I find it best to do it in the morning. It helps plan out your day and gets you started on the right foot and going in the right direction.
Measuring you against you
Once you’ve written down your 3 plans for you and/or your children, it’s all about you. Three things you love about yourself, or why you are proud of yourself.
Are you where you want to be? I’m asking you if you are measuring up to your own standards. That is the only cup you need to worry about using to measure and fill.
It can be a workout you completed, a job promotion, or you appreciating you for helping a friend move. It’s whatever you feel like you accomplished that day, or what you love about yourself.
It doesn’t have to be anything major. And remember, we aren’t comparing ourselves to anyone else.
If you recently got a promotion or saved $25, then write it down. This is your definition of success.
Learn to see the good in you. If you’re like me, you may have found it hard to see your good, or your own successes.
I want you to know you have and will accomplish great things. You aren’t done with your growth. As a result, your greatness will pour out.
This measuring cup is measuring you against you.
Next, you will write
Ten goals:
Each day you’ll write down ten goals that you want to achieve in the future…the next 2 or 3 years. Where do you see you? Where do you see yourself, or maybe your family?
What successes have you obtained? Will you have bought a house, or ran a marathon?
This is your vision for your life, so dream big, mama. If you’re a great mom in your future world, write that down.
And then strive to reach that.
Scripture/Daily Word for your measuring cup
In this space, find a scripture that speaks to you. Find a new one each day. Or if there’s one God have you meditating on for several days write it in the space.
If you need help finding scriptures that speak to who you are, you can download my Thirty-One promises to help you along the way.
I want you to get in the habit of remembering who you are because of Whose you are.
God created you, and He loves you. Even though it feels like it, you aren’t alone.
How does your cup measure
So how are you measuring up? Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you’re alone?
Don’t measure yourself against anyone. If it helps, create your own measuring cup. You do not have to use the one I created.
You’ve got this, and I’m proud of you. Your children are looking to you, and they are proud of you.
Focus on your why. Focus on your measuring cup. As a result, your cup will runneth over.
If you would like to read more about me or work with me start here.