Joy Comes In The Morning

This week has been a trying week. And before you say anything, yes, I have many of those. More than I wish to admit.

Work was extra busy. I had meetings every single day. I got projects thrown my way that needed my immediate attention. So naturally, I didn’t get my day to day tasks done. When I go back to work on Monday, I’m going to have so much to do. But I won’t complain. I’m going to get it done. I’m blessed and determined.

Not only was work a trial, my children were on Spring break, and we didn’t do anything fun until the absolute last day. I felt horrible as a mother. They had 10 days off, and we only had ONE day of fun.

They deserve better, and I wanted better, and wanted to do better for them. I kinda redeemed myself…or at least I hope in their eyes.

And to top it all off, I get news I didn’t want to hear. What’s crazy, is I knew it would eventually come, but it still shook me a bit. I won’t go into it, but it just sucks. I’m sure you get the point.

It just wasn’t the week I wanted.

Like I said before, I have bad days. I truly hope you didn’t get the impression that my life was without trials, tribulations, and bad decisions on my part.

I want to say, and believe all of this is due to me truly digging into God’s Word lately, and the enemy isn’t happy about it. He wants to do everything in his power to set me back, and turn me away from God.

I’m sure that is a big part of it. I knew I needed to do better with my time; reading scripture, and meditating on it. Event though I have it scheduled in my daily routine, I hadn’t really spent time meditating on His Word.

So I bought me a new One Thousand Promises A Bible Promise Book Journal. I highly recommend this

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But honestly, some of the trials this week are due to bad decisions on my part. Yes, you heard that right, sometimes it’s not the enemy. We are reaping what we sowed. Stop giving the enemy that much credit. He’s not worth it.

But I do know, that I had to encourage myself in His Word. I needed to pick myself back up, and dry my tears. I needed to remind myself of His promises to get me through.

I had to remind myself that joy does come in the morning. My bad days or my sorrow won’t last always.

When days, weeks, or moments set you back, or throw you off, don’t throw in the towel. Don’t give in to the enemy. Don’t give in to the negativity. Remember who you are, and more importantly, who’s you are.

Because I do know how much of a struggle it can be, to be so much to so many, and to stay focused on God and His Word, I’ve created these 31 Promises for you to read daily, or as often as you wish.

My prayer for you is that you will be encouraged and uplifted when you read these promises from God to help you make it through. I trust that these will sustain you.

Download these encouraging scriptures to help you in your journey with Christ. Print them off, and pull them out daily to remind you of His promises. They’ll be there to get you through the rough times, and even the good times.

After this long week, I needed to refocus. As I was editing this post this morning, I took a break to support a close friend in a ceremony to recognize her. And guess what, my battery on my car was dead this morning. I had to be there by noon.

I just knew I wouldn’t make it. But God & my children kept me on track. I called USAA (ya’ll if you are eligible for USAA, I highly recommend you get them. They are simply the best. No this isn’t an affiliate link. I just love USAA). My battery was recharged and ready to go in less than an hour. The enemy is trying, but he’s not going to get this victory.

My morning is here! Joy does come in the morning!

I was brought to tears this week. But through those tears I was reminded of God’s Word, His promises, for my life. Guess what, I’ve read the end, We win! So no need to live like there’s no hope.

So I’m telling you right now, reflect and remind yourself of how good He is. Remind yourself of how faithful He has ALWAYS been. He will never let you down even when things look bleak.

Stay encouraged…Joy comes in the morning!

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