
How often do we dream? Do I dream big? Do I dream big enough? Is my dream obtainable? Can God bless my dream? Does my dream line up with God’s plan?

I see myself dreaming a lot. But do my desires line up with God? Do I just want God to grant my wishes? I feel so often I’m using him as my personal genie, but that’s not who He is. I’ve heard if my dreams don’t scare me, they aren’t big enough. I have big dreams. They definitely scare me, but that doesn’t mean they are the right dreams…a lot of times, I wonder if that’s why they haven’t come true. Who knows?

But I do know, I don’t need to be discouraged or disappointed. When I get discouraging news, my first thought is negativity. I need to change that mindset, pray about it, and perhaps realize God has something bigger in store. I need a heart of gratitude.

**I do share affiliate marketing ideas and strategies with you, so some of my material will contain affiliate links for products and/or services I use and love. If you purchase or make a subscription from one of these links, I will earn a commission**

As a single mom, I dream every single day. I want what’s best for my children. I want better for my children everyday. But it’s almost like they are truly earthly dreams. I want a huge home. I want no money issues. I want a closet full of nice clothes. I flip through pins on Pinterest daydreaming of the perfect kitchen. I want it all. But does all of it bring God the glory? I find myself begging God to make my earthly life bigger and better. I so desperately want what I want to be God backed.

I know God wants what’s best for me. I know He loves me like no other. It’s mine for the asking and taking.

My issue is, I never stop to ask God what He wants; what He sees for my life and my children. The Word says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jer 29:11. I know God will never fail me, but when things don’t go my way or my desires don’t pan out, I feel like I failed. I don’t feel like God has failed. I know God has never failed me, and He’s always been faithful.

I can’t go out and create something on my own and ask God to line up with that. That is the recipe for disaster. But thankfully, God has NEVER failed me, and he always picks me up. Seek Him first! That is truly my advice for you. Trust someone who’s done it so many times the other way around, and then find myself in fervent prayer begging God to deliver me.

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkah 2:2 I’ve had so many hopes and dreams, but I don’t even know if I’ve written them down. If you’re going to dream, write the vision down. Ask God for that new house. Write it down. But will you open that home up to someone in need? Will that house be a refuge for your family? Think about how God will use that home for His glory, and sell all out for it. Write that vision down, and watch God work. Just remember, it will be His timing, and His way.

Bottom line, I need to make my dreams and desires line up with Him, and they can be BIG. But it all needs to be for His glory, not mine. I don’t need to impress people, I need to bless people. What I want should be a gateway to bless people, not fill my greedy desires.

**I do share affiliate marketing ideas and strategies with you, so some of my material will contain affiliate links for products and/or services I use and love. If you purchase or make a subscription from one of these links, I will earn a commission**

I’m not saying don’t dream. Seriously, don’t ever stop dreaming. I hope you always dream. Just seek God. Ensure it’s what He has planned. God doesn’t want to hold us back. He wants to bless us. He wants to give us all things that pertain to life and Godliness. I hope you’re dreams come true. If you want that fancy kitchen, I hope you get it, but make sure you use that blessing to bless others. Just save yourself some time, heartache, and maybe some money, and dream big, but make sure your dreams line up with God.

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