Whoa! I had not been blogging for that long when I noticed; the discrepancy. I’m sure I just have a lot more digging to do. But today something hit me…I have no clue why it took me by surprise or off guard, but it did. What’s the “it”, you ask. As I search on Pinterest or other social media outlets, there are VERY FEW MOM BLOGGERS OR MOM BOSSES THAT LOOK LIKE ME! I did not discover many successful single moms or single moms of color, and to me, representation matters. This is why I created my business, brand, and a guide for a single mom to be successful in a world not designed for you.
I do share affiliate links with you for products I trust. If you purchase from these links I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you
It was sort of heartbreaking to see. Not just mom bloggers but what society sees as a successful entrepreneur or business person. But it motivated me. That’s part of the reason, I decided to pivot my business.
I decided to change direction and introduce mothers like me to the world of successful mom bosses and mom bloggers.
We deserve and can have the same success as anyone else. There’s room!
So where to start?
A good way to start being a successful single mom is to start a blog
It is not as difficult as you think, to start a blog. When I tell you I had zero experience with starting a blog, I mean zero. I learned on the fly and with the help of Google. So trust me you can do this too.
But for it to grow into what you want it to be, and to reach your audiences will take work and growth on your part, Have no fears, I am here to help with that and to help you turn it into a success.
The great thing about a blog is it allows you to get your business, brand, and/or products in front of your desired audience.
And it can allow you to make some income while working from home doing what you love.

Step 1 when starting a blog
Decide what type of blog are you wanting. There are several different types.
- Lifestyle
- Food
- Travel
- Influencer
The market is wide open now! But you want to stand out. So…
Think of a name. I would advise you to think about your desired audience. Who are you wanting to reach or talk to, and what are their problems you are trying to solve. That is a good start to get the name you want.
This is also known as your niche. It’s the group of people you want to target and get your content in front of. Think of your “why” and what you want to be known for. It’s your brand.
You can read about how I came up with my blog name on the About page.
Next, you will want to find a host for your blog. I chose Dreamhost because the setup was simple, but more importantly, it was the cost. At the time, they were the only ones that offered a monthly payment option, because as a single mom, I could not fork over a large sum of cash at once.
Once you figured out your name, and your host, you’ll want to make money.
Step 2 when creating a blog in your guide for a single mom to be successful in a world not designed for you
Monetize your blog:
How do you do that? There are several ways, and here are just a few:
- Advertising (don’t think you will automatically get a flow of cash instantly)
- Affiliate Marketing (there are several to choose from)
- Creating a physical or downloadable product like a planner
- Network Marketing (more on that later)
- Sponsored Posts
Now it’s time to choose your blogging platform. If you are trying to make money, I recommend WordPress.org, not to be confused with wordpress.com which is a free platform. We’re trying to make money here.
To be a successful single mom and to make money, you’ll have to have your own domain and platform. And the great thing about Dreamhost is it will walk you step by step on how to do just that, and how to integrate wordpress.org into it.
A blog theme
To me, this is the fun part. This is what people see when they visit your blog. Many of the blog themes are free, but there are some available for purchase. Whichever you pick is up to you, but make sure it is legible and attracts your audience.
Think about a few things like what type of blog you will have, (i.e. recipes, crafts, will you sell products).
Whatever look you are going for, trust me there is a theme for that.
That is the framework for starting a blog. See, I told you starting a blog is not difficult. If you have more questions on starting your blog, send me an email at jocelyncook@thedifferentmomblog.com
Grab my Free step by step guide on starting a blog below:
Method #2 in A Guide For A Single Mom To Be Successful In A World Not Designed For You
Network marketing! It is probably my favorite tip in a guide for a single mom to be successful in a world not designed for you.
It’s how I got my start and how I chose to brand myself. If you don’t know by now, your brand is YOU. You are to be your authentic self. It’s not the product you sell, or the network marketing or MLM business you are a part of. Because honestly, that can change. But who you are and Whose you are will never change.
If you are interested in working with me, you can read all about working with me on the work with me page. Where I lay out what it means to join my team, and start your own business.
Whichever market you pick here, make sure it ties into your goals and your brand. And, also, before you jump into the business, check out the compensation plans, and rules.
Whatever you do, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Tie your blog and your network business together.

Another tip in a guide for a single mom to be successful in a world not designed for you
Time Management
This is so important if you are a single mom. It seems like we will never have enough time in the day. But I will tell you what, I have learned over the years to manage my time, even with raising my children.
My children are successful, honor roll, independent children, which allows me to do my work and run a successful business.
I do not ever want to hear you say, you don’t have enough time, because you do. It’s how you prioritize that time, that will make the difference in your success.
The first thing you want to do when prioritizing your time, and trying to successfully time manage, is write down what is most important to you. You can check out more in my post, Four Habits of a Successful Woman.
For a more hands-on approach, grab my Time Manage Like A Mother workbook, where I walk you step by step on how to maximize your time, bank free time, and accomplish your goals.

Don’t let the world tell you, you cannot be successful. And more importantly, you don’t tell yourself that.
Take that leap and just do it.
I’m excited to watch you grow! Feel free to join my FREE Facebook community to show me how you have grown, and let’s chat.
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