Since it is Spring Break for my crew, what better topic to talk about, than Spring Cleaning? This edition of The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves is all about cleaning products by Scentsy.
Did you know, that Scentsy has more than just warmers and wax?
The cleaning products are not only great for truly cleaning your home, but the smell great too! Here are a few of my must-haves when it comes to cleaning my home, and filling my life with fragrance.
The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves, clean edition is going to start off with my number one cleaning product:

Scentsy Counter Clean is the top Different Mom Mondy Must-Have
This bottle packs the best of best when cleaning is in order. I use it to clean my counters, appliances, shoes, carpet stains, and more! Two bonuses are it smells amazing (all of the scents) and my children love to use it.
Y’all, they use it on the counters, when they make a mess, and to clean their shoes. This product makes mommying easy!
The multipurpose spray leaves a barrier on sealed surfaces that repeals dirt, and gets stronger with each use. And like I said, on top of that greatness, the smells are AMAZING!
Check out all of the different counter clean options here!
The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves, Cleaning Edition #2
Bathroom Cleaner:
You know most bathroom cleaners smell like lemons. They say that’s because it is supposed to get you going and wanting to clean. But then I also wonder if it’s because citric acid is supposed to be a powerful cleaner.
I’m not sure if some of those cleaners actually contain citric acid or just the smell, but Scentsy’s bathroom cleaner does. And it really does cut away the soap scum and grime.
Just like the counter clean, it comes in a variety of scents. But I think my top three favorites are:
But don’t just limit yourself to my favorites, try out all of the scents, or read the descriptions of them all, and find out which ones will be your favorite.
Your bathroom and your family will be glad you did.
The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves, Cleaning Edition #3
My next Different Mom Monday Must-Haves is really a combination of items.
And boy, do I love these products. I will be honest, almost every customer that has tried at least one of these products has come back for more.
Either more of the same, another scent, or more of the different types we have to offer.
The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves Cleaning Edition–Laundry Line
The Scentsy Laundry Line is second to none! So far, I can say, I haven’t found a scent that I don’t like.
I won’t go into great detail about all of the products. If you are curious, you can check them out here.
With an introduction to the products like:
Our Promise
We believe in worry-free products that get the job done. All Scentsy formulas are hardworking and safe, leaving your home and laundry sparkling clean and smelling great.
They aren’t just saying that! When they say that, you kinda need to try them out. And you won’t regret it!
The laundry line includes:
- Dryer Disks
- Laundry Liquid
- Scentsy Fresh Fabric Spray
- Scentsy Soft Fabric Softener
- Washer Whiffs
My absolute must-haves are the dryer disks, laundry liquid, and washer whiffs. You can check out my laundry routine to see how I use them and why I love them.
Completely honest, we don’t love to clean, but it can be a little more enjoyable with these products. And on top of that, these products are affordable.
You know I am all about budgeting and saving money. And these products help with both. For instance, the laundry liquid does up to 50 loads of laundry! And the washer whiffs can be used as carpet fresh.
Talk about a clean smelling rug!
Tons of ways to save money clean.
So, when you use them, tell me about it. And don’t forget to come back for next Monday’s version of The Different Mom Monday Must-Haves.