Life is tough. And it seems like you are going nonstop with running here, going there, doing this, or doing that. You are on a constant hamster wheel of life. And then trying to find that work-life balance, all while trying to do all of the things. When you are constantly in this struggle, I can almost guarantee you will get burned out. So how do you fight burnout as a single mom boss?
When you want to get your business producing and raising great children, the weight of the World seems like it’s on your shoulders all of the time. There are days you want to through your hands up and break out in tears.
As a single mompreneur, I can tell you fighting burnout is tough and then you lose focus. When you hit that wall, finding the motivation to start back up seems almost impossible.
Even though it seems impossible, fighting burnout as a single mom boss is indeed doable.
Here are five ways that I fight the almost ever-present battle of burnout as a single mom boss.

One way I fight burnout as a single mom boss is by finding a hobby
Outside of family time, there is not much I enjoy doing in my spare time. I do like to read, but I’ve found myself reading more self-help books. But I do love playing with my Cricut. That is one way I unwind, and chill out from work “stuff.”
Finding a hobby and trying to find your happy place is one way you can combat burnout. You will get the feeling that you are being lazy if you aren’t constantly on the grind, but trust me there is nothing lazy about stepping back and taking time out for something “fun.”
So make sure you take the time to find a hobby to keep motivated.
Self-care is a great way to fight burnout as a single mom boss
Pamper yourself, or go get pampered at a spa, or go shopping. Do whatever helps you relax and take care of yourself. Because once you start not making YOU a priority, you will fall apart. I know as single moms, putting ourselves first seems so taboo, but please take it from me, self-care and/or pampering yourself is probably the best way to fight burnout as a single mom boss.
Self-care can be simply setting boundaries and STICKING TO THOSE BOUNDARIES. However, self-care looks like for you, make sure you are practicing it regularly and religiously.
Let me ask you a question, do you keep track of your goals and wins or losses? How do you measure your victories and/or accomplishments? I hope you have a way to keep track of those, because this is my number 3 tip in fighting burnout as a single mom boss.
Track all of your wins; big and small to help fight burnout as a single mom boss
I am often my own biggest critic. It’s hard to admit when I do things great or right. But over the years, I have learned to write down my goals in business and in my personal life. And not just writing them, but taking steps to reach those goals.
Also tasks list throughout the day and mark them off. Even if the tasks does not seem like much, that feeling of tracking your wins does something to you. It can be a form of motivation. However, I do caution against getting caught up in marking things off your list, and avoid being “busy.”
Simply track your wins either shout yourself out on social media. Or find a group on social media that allows you to shout yourself out. If you are not in a group on social media, you can join my amazing Facebook community, and we can promote each other.
That brings me to my next way to fight burnout as a single mom boss…
Ask For Help
I know as a single mom, this is probably the most difficult choice we make. Asking for help is ridiculously tough, but it is completely necessary when avoiding burnout as a single mom.
If you do not have a tribe of people you can count on, I highly recommend you find at least two people you can rely on to help you pick children up from their activities, help you clean your home when you need, or even baby sit so you can take a nap.
If you have a deadline in your business or at work, ask for help with that.
It does not mean you are weak when you ask for help. We often get labeled as superwoman, so we start subscribing to that belief, and feel that we must do it all, all of the time. That is why I preach against giving single mom’s the label of Superwoman.
We cannot be everything for everyone, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help.
My last tip for fighting burnout is simply…
Taking a Break
Yes, it’s that simple. When you start to feel overwhelmed or when you don’t feel quite like yourself, take a break. Taking a break does not mean you are lazy. Remember, you are not superhuman. It is completely OK to take a break. Self-care is also a way to do this.
The break can and needs to be as long as it needs to be. You do not have to put a time limit on it. You know your boundaries. Well, hopefully you do. If you have not set boundaries, you most definitely should. When you come to that internal line, step back and take a break.
I know it’s tough when things seem like they are all on your shoulders, but I urge you to fight burnout when all you want to do is give up.
Don’t let the burnout overshadow your dreams as a single mom boss. You can take control.
If you need extra motivation, or wonder how I tend to get by, I would love to help you. Let me help you discover who you are. And Whose you are. Don’t lose yourself, or lose sight of your dreams and visions, because of burnout or being overwhelmed. You are capable. Feel free to check out my coaching menu below. As a single mom, I get it. I am here to help.