February Join Special

What a great time to invest in yourself! For the month of February you can start your own business for only $49!!! That is an amazing deal!

Scentsy is a great way to earn some extra money for date night, those shoes you’ve had your eye on, or even a car payment. Scentsy can be whatever you want it to be.

There are people who use Scentsy as their sole income. There are some who have joined Scentsy to pay off their student loans. Some use it for “fun” money for their self, or their family.

I’ve used Scentsy as the month’s grocery money. I’ve used it to pay mortgage before. I’ve often used it as “fun” money for a day or night at the movies with my children, or bowling. As a single mother, this has been such a blessing to me and my family. As I continue to grow, it is becoming more and more for my family and me.

Many of us will receive a tax refund this year…why not invest that into a “Valentine’s Day gift” for yourself! All it takes is $49+ tax and shipping. It can be even less…Send me an email at jocelyncook23@gmail.com to see how. It is worth it, I promise you. What do you have to lose by joining?

You will form lasting friendships. You can travel the world all expenses paid. You get the chance to push yourself, and see what you’re made of. I must say, it’s satisfying to see the rewards and fruits of your labor. It doesn’t really feel like labor, because it brings so much joy, and with the support system, it makes it seem a little less stressful. It’s a true business that has true earning potential.

This business is a blessing that I will always share. I want us all to flourish, so I want to educate, and present this opportunity to as many people as I can.

Anyone that wants to invest in themselves and earn can do this. Scentsy gives you every tool you will need. You just have to put in the effort and do it. The returns are phenomenal.

If you’re a single mother, what a great way to get another income source pouring it. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, Scentsy can be your excuse to get out of the house every once in a while. It can be your reason to have “girl time.”

The confidence booster I’ve gained in being successful at this has been worth it. I’m an extroverted person, who was always afraid to step out on faith. But I am so glad that I did step out. It will be 3 years in March since I decided to make this investment.

I can tell you, it’s not easy and without disappointment, but there are so many more positive moments than the negative. When I fall down, my fellow consultants encourage me, or I’ll get a “spark” and get motivated again, and I’m back at it. I’ve at no point regretted the decision I made.

You too can be successful, and I will be with you every step of the way. Skip a night of eating out this month. Or skip the outfit for the month. So what do you say to investing in yourself, starting your own business, and growing beyond your dreams.

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