Prayer Pot

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

One thing that I wish I would do more is pray. That is something that I don’t do enough of. I can feel the effects of not praying and daily communion with God. I have so many excuses…no reasons…EXCUSES why I didn’t pray at night. I was either too tired, too busy. Not knowing what to pray about.

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I know I need people to pray for me, so why don’t I pray for people?

Then I would try and get back on the prayer line when I needed God to move in my life.

I would go off and on with my prayer life. But one thing that changed that, was having children.

I knew I had to do better with setting the example for them.

My daughter, who I call my prayer warrior would pray for everyone and everything even in her toddler age. She is always praying. She always prayed for anyone that needed it.

And that’s when I knew I needed to do better. I needed to do better myself, and do better by leading my children.

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I had to think of a way for us to remember to pray for each other, our family, and our friends. We didn’t pray enough, because I didn’t. We had our family devotions, but it was more of a habit and not a way to draw closer to God.

In order to draw neigh unto God and for Him to be present, I knew I needed to pray and talk with God more often.

So how would I get my family involved, and hold myself accountable?

We came up with the prayer pot.

This was a simple way of remembering to pray for our family and friends. It was a way to encourage my children to love to pray, and show love for our loved ones.

Our prayer pot is nothing special. It’s a $.79 flower part, and some craft sticks I had on hand.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. It just needs to serve its purpose of leading your family in the direction of Christ and the command to pray for one another.

You can decorate the pot however you wish. You can paint it. You can even put ribbons, or stickers on the pot.

We write down a friend or a family members name on a craft stick. Each night, we would each pull a stick out of the pot without looking at the name. We would go around the room and pray for the person on our stick.

Each stick is decorated differently.

For instance, the one for Mimi is decorated with a heart. Everyone has its unique style. My children chose how to decorate the sticks that they added.

It’s a way for my family to humble ourselves and pray for others.

We add request to the pot often. So if someone says “pray for me.” We add them to the prayer pot.

The people we pray for don’t have to be on the sick and shut in. If we knew someone who was having a bad day, we’d add them. I mean, who couldn’t use prayer?

This is by far one of my favorite craft ideas. It is simple, but so important. I hope my children will continue to pray in all things.

Pray without ceasing–1 Thessalonians 5:17

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