A statement from The Different Mom:

I am letting you know, I am in no way an expert on any subject. I am not a medical expert or professional. I am not a life coach, or parenting expert. All thoughts on this blog are truly my own. So please keep in mind, I am only sharing my thoughts, opinions and experiences. My thoughts and opinions in no way represent any institutions or organizations I may be apart of or affiliated with. None of my views are an attempt to offend, discredit, or otherwise harm any religious group, ethnicity/ethnic group, organization, group, company or individual

I cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy, nor take responsibility for any errors, omissions, or any recipes, crafts, or other content on this page. I am not liable for any injury or loss from any content and information on this blog.

Copyright Information:

Feel free to share any buttons on this blog by posting on your social media sites and accounts, but please give full, proper, and clear credit. Any photos must give the link back to the original post/page. Do not represent any photos or content found on this page as your own work. Please do not copy any of my family’s photos to any other page.


All photos are the work of the owner of this blog unless otherwise stated. Do not remove or crop out the watermark. Please contact me for permission to edit and use photos for any other purpose outside of the blog post in which they reside. Under no circumstances may multiple photos or altered photos be used on your website or social media without explicit written permission from the owner.


Recipes and/or craft ideas are my own work unless otherwise stated. They are not to be copied without giving full, proper, and clear credit. If you would like to share any of the ideas on this page, please use the share buttons on this page Under no circumstances may any of the recipes or craft instructions be used on your website or social media without explicit written permission from the owner.

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Any downloadable file, including but not limited to pdfs, docs, jpegs, pngs, is provided at the user’s own risk and discretion. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages resulting from a corrupted or damaged file.

Comment Policy:

I welcome your comments on this blog. However, please be respectful, tactful, and considerate. I reserve the right to remove any comment(s) without notice that are illegal or contain illegal content, that do not contribute to the content, that are rude, or that are spam


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